Gemma Frizelle

GB Gymnast

  • About Gemma Frizelle
    Gemma grew up in Bangkok, Thailand until the age of 11, when she then moved to Cardiff for the start of secondary school. Despite trying various sports in school, gymnastics stole Gemma’s heart. She swiftly became a force at Llanelli RGA, her local gymnastics club, where she still competes today. Gemma's dedication led her to represent Wales and Great Britain, with her standout moment being the 2022 Commonwealth Games. Now, she's on a mission to fuel the rhythmic gymnastics revolution in the UK, inspiring the next wave of athletes.
  • Gemma's top tip
    If it doesn’t challenge you, it won’t change you.
  • Gemma's greatest high
    Gemma's greatest high was competing at the 2022 Commonwealth Games.